
Bible stories to share

Children's Bible stories

Birmingham City Mission has produced a range of Bible story booklets for children for Christmas, Easter and all year round. To order booklets email or call 0121 766 6603 (ext 2).

The woman who was forgiven

The story of how a woman anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume and found forgiveness, based on the account in Luke chapter 7. An 8-page CD-size full-colour booklet.

12p each plus P&P

The man who didn't believe

The Easter story from the point of view of Doubting Thomas. An 8-page CD-size full-colour booklet.

12p each plus P&P

The man who came back from the dead

The Easter story from the point of view of Mary Magdalene. An 8-page CD-size full-colour booklet.

12p each plus P&P

An Officer's Tale

The Easter story told by the Roman Centurion. A 12-page A5 colour booklet with intricate colouring-in sections.

20p each plus P&P

Who was he?

For older children, a look at the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth and a chance to consider who Jesus really was. A 4-page full-colour folded flyer with puzzles.

7p each plus P&P

A Special Baby

A re-telling of some of the amazing things that happened when Jesus was born. An 8-page CD-size full-colour booklet. SOLD OUT

12p each plus P&P

Looking for the King!

The Christmas story from the point of view of the three wise men. An 8-page CD-size full-colour booklet.

12p each plus P&P

The Amazing Story of Christmas

The story of Jesus’ birth from the angel visiting Mary to the shepherds coming to worship the new born king. An 8-page CD-size full-colour booklet.

12p each plus P&P

A Shepherd's Tale

The story of Jesus’ birth told by a shepherd. A 12-page A5 colour booklet with intricate colouring-in sections. SOLD OUT

20p each plus P&P

Get in touch

Call 0121 766 6603 or email