Boxes of delights

ElderLink Support Worker, Andrea Bulteel, describes how the team rejoiced when they received 30 beautiful hampers from Oaklands Primary School.

This is the third year the school has collaborated with BCM to bring Christmas cheer to older people living alone. The children lovingly put together food, handmade decorations and a card in each hamper. They were really mindful about what our clients would like in the boxes and wrapped them so carefully.  We could never have put such an amount of time and money into these parcels.

We delivered one to the folk we visit in their homes who can have solid food. All were thrilled with their box of delights so beautifully and thoughtfully put together. It has been a flurry of joy for the staff, volunteers and the recipients. We loved seeing the smiling faces when we delivered each one.

Our older people responded by saying things like, ‘The love pours out of it (the box)!’ and ‘I really don’t deserve this, all this for me?’ On one delivery the visitor opened the hamper and made one of the hot chocolates for the lady before they left a very happy, warm and satisfied customer!

Thank you to Oaklands for spending so much time to bless others and what a wonderful chance for the children to think about others at Christmas and not just what is in their own stocking!

Pictured above: ElderLink visitor Jan delivering a hamper to 103-year-old Stanley