Organising a JUST BAKE! cake sale, tea party or collection & delivery service in aid of Birmingham City Mission this summer is a great way to be involved and make a difference.

Your JUST BAKE! fundraiser doesn’t have to be huge - big or small, every effort makes a contribution and is a crucial part of BCM’s work of bringing help to those in need in Birmingham.
So, get baking! Get your friends, families and colleagues baking! Your event could help change lives.
This guide is just that - a guide. It may give you some helpful tips on organising your JUST BAKE! or how to fundraise. But this is your event - be creative, be safe, make some delicious cakes and have fun!
Organising your JUST BAKE! fundraiser
Get help
Ask your friends, family and colleagues to help out with the baking - the more cakes, scones, biscuits, chocolates and pies the better. Cake sales and tea parties can be really hard work if you tackle them alone. And if you’re offering a delivery service, you may need to recruit some volunteer drivers or cyclists!
Let everybody know about your fundraiser. The flyers with this guide can be filled in with the details of your event - display and distribute as many as you can to make your sale a success. Use your social media channels. You could even ask your local paper to give your event a mention.
Here are some questions you may want to think about before your fundraiser, to help you be well prepared...
What sort of cakes shall I bake?
You probably have your favourite recipes, but you may like to try some from the JUST BAKE! recipe ideas which are real crowd-pleasers. Just click on the download link at the bottom of this page for the recipes.
How about making some gluten-free cakes? Or cakes that can be eaten by people with a dairy or nut allergy? It is a good idea to give as much information as you can to your customers about your cakes, especially details about what ingredients have been used.
What about food hygiene?
There is some great advice on good food hygiene on the University of Warwick website. It gives basic tips on preparing, storing and handling cakes safely at:
In brief,
• wash your hands
• clean your surfaces, bowls and utensils
• always thoroughly cook eggs
• keep cakes containing cream, butter icing or cream cheese in the fridge
• store and transport cakes in a sealed container away from raw foods
• use a utensil to handle cakes and wear plastic gloves
How can I let people know what I’m fundraising for?
Please get in touch if you’d like some BCM flyers or newsletters to give your customers more information on what their donations will be supporting. Just email hannah@birminghamcitymission.co.uk or call 0121 766 6603 and let us know what you need.
Receiving donations
The easiest way to ask your customers to donate is online. You can set up your own free online fundraising page on the Stewardship website. Click on ‘start fundraising’, create an account and set up your JUST BAKE! donations page.
When it’s all over
How to send in your money
Any money raised on the Stewardship website will come straight through to BCM. If you’ve received cash donations, send in the money you have raised to Birmingham City Mission, The Clock Tower,2 Langdon Street, Birmingham B9 4BP. Cheques are made payable to ‘Birmingham City Mission’. You can also pay in money tor over the phone with a credit or debit card by calling 0121 766 6603.
Let us know how it went
We would love to know how your fundraiser went - when you send in your money, or email hannah@birminghamcitymission.co.uk any time, tell us a bit about your experience. You could even send in a photo of your event.
Just to say, once again, your contribution, big or small, makes a difference to the people in need BCM staff meet every day. So thank you for your help, and let the cakes begin!
Download your JUST BAKE! recipe ideas here...